Mappings from STIX 1.x to STIX 2.0

This section outlines the disposition of each property of the top-level objects when converted.

For each STIX 2.0 object that was converted the following options are possible:

  • STIX 2.0 property mapped directly to a STIX 1.x property. This property’s value is used unaltered in the conversion to 2.0.

  • STIX 2.0 property translated into STIX 1.x property. This property’s value must undergo some minor processing to determine the corresponding content for 1.x.

  • STIX 2.0 relationship mapped using STIX 1.x property. This 2.0 relationship object is used to construct an embedded STIX 1.x relationship. If the STIX 2.0 relationship-type is not listed below, then that relationship will not be converted to an embedded STIX 1.x relationship. The “reverse” notation indicates the the STIX 1.x property is found on target object.

  • STIX 2.0 property recorded in the STIX 1.x description property. This 2.0 property has no corresponding property in STIX 1.x, but its value can be (optionally) included in the description property of the 1.x object as text.

    If the STIX 2.0 content was created using the elevator it might be the case that it recorded some 1.x properties in the description. However, the slider makes no attempt to examine the content of the 2.0 descriptor property to determine if it can use information found within it to populate the original 1.x properties.

  • STIX 2.0 property not mapped. This property will not be included in the converted 1.x object.

Top Level Object Mappings

STIX 2.0 object STIX 1.x object
attack-pattern ttp:Attack_Pattern
bundle Package
campaign Campaign
course-of-action Course_Of_Action
identity Information_Source or ttp:Victim_Targeting
indicator Indicator
intrusion-set not converted
observed-data Observable
malware ttp:MalwareInstance
report Report
threat-actor Threat Actor
tool ttp:Tool
vulnerability et:Vulnerability

Common Properties

STIX 2.0 Properties Mapped Directly to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
created not converted (see modified)
description Description
modified timestamp
name Title

STIX 2.0 Properties Translated to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
type implicitly defined by its element name or explicitly using xsi:type
id id
created_by_ref Information_Source
external_references Information_Source, et:Vulnerability.cve_id,
object_markings_refs Handling
granular_markings Handling

STIX 2.0 Relationships Mapped Using STIX 1.x Relationships


STIX 2.0 Properties Recorded in the STIX 1.x Description Property


STIX 2.0 Properties Not Mapped

  • revoked

Attack Pattern

STIX 2.0 Properties Mapped Directly to STIX 1.x Properties


STIX 2.0 Properties Translated to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
external_references capec_id
kill_chain_phases ttp:Kill_Chain_Phases

STIX 2.0 Relationships Mapped Using STIX 1.x Relationships

STIX 2.0 relationship type STIX 1.x property
targets (identity only) ttp:Victim_Targeting
targets (vulnerability only) ttp:Exploit_Targets
uses (malware, tool) ttp:Related_TTPs

STIX 2.0 Properties Recorded in the STIX 1.x Description Property

  • labels

STIX 2.0 Properties Not Mapped


An Example

STIX 2.0 in JSON

  "type": "attack-pattern",
  "id": "attack-pattern--19da6e1c-71ab-4c2f-886d-d620d09d3b5a",
  "created": "2016-08-08T15:50:10.983Z",
  "modified": "2017-01-30T21:15:04.127Z",
  "external_references": [
      "external_id": "CAPEC-148",
      "source_name": "capec",
      "url": ""
  "name": "Content Spoofing"

STIX 1.x in XML

<stix:TTP id="example:ttp-19da6e1c-71ab-4c2f-886d-d620d09d3b5a" timestamp="2017-01-30T21:15:04.127000+00:00" xsi:type='ttp:TTPType'>
            <ttp:Attack_Pattern capec_id="CAPEC-148">
                <ttp:Title>Content Spoofing</ttp:Title>
            <stixCommon:Reference>SOURCE: capec -</stixCommon:Reference>


STIX 2.0 Properties Mapped Directly to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
aliases Names
objective Intended_Effect

STIX 2.0 Properties Translated to STIX 1.x Properties


​STIX 2.0 Relationships Mapped Using STIX 1.x Relationships

STIX 2.0 relationship type STIX 1.x property
uses Related_TTPs
indicates (reverse) Related_Indicators
attributed-to Attribution
related-to (campaign) Associated_Campaigns

STIX 2.0 Properties Recorded in the STIX 1.x Description Property

  • first_seen
  • last_seen
  • labels

STIX 2.0 Properties Not Mapped


An Example

STIX 2.0 in JSON

        "created": "2014-08-08T15:50:10.983Z",
        "description": "Attacking ATM machines in the Eastern US",
        "external_references": [
                "source_name": "ACME",
                "url": ""
                "source_name": "wikipedia",
                "url": ""
                "source_name": "ACME Bugzilla",
                "external_id": "1370",
                "url": ""
        "id": "campaign--e5268b6e-4931-42f1-b379-87f48eb41b1e",
        "modified": "2014-08-08T15:50:10.983Z",
        "name": "Compromise of ATM Machines",
        "type": "campaign"

STIX 1.x in XML

<stix:Campaign id="example:campaign-e5268b6e-4931-42f1-b379-87f48eb41b1e" timestamp="2014-08-08T15:50:10.983000+00:00" xsi:type='campaign:CampaignType'>
        <campaign:Title>Compromise of ATM Machines</campaign:Title>
        <campaign:Description>Attacking ATM machines in the Eastern US</campaign:Description>
                <stixCommon:Reference>SOURCE: ACME -</stixCommon:Reference>
                <stixCommon:Reference>SOURCE: wikipedia -</stixCommon:Reference>
                <stixCommon:Reference>SOURCE: ACME Bugzilla -</stixCommon:Reference>
                <stixCommon:Reference>SOURCE: ACME Bugzilla - EXTERNAL ID: 1370</stixCommon:Reference>

Course of Action

In STIX 2.0 the course-of-action object is defined as a stub. This means that in STIX 2.0 this object type is pretty “bare-bones”, not containing most of the properties that were found in STIX 1.x.

STIX 2.0 Properties Mapped Directly to STIX 1.x Properties


STIX 2.0 Properties Translated to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
labels Type

STIX 2.0 Relationships Mapped Using STIX 1.x Relationships

STIX 2.0 relationship type STIX 1.x property
related-to (course-of-action) Related_COAs

STIX 2.0 Properties Recorded in the STIX 1.x Description Property


STIX Properties Not Mapped


An Example

STIX 2.0 in JSON

        "created": "2017-01-27T13:49:41.298Z",
        "description": "\n\nSTAGE:\n\tResponse\n\nOBJECTIVE: Block communication between the PIVY agents and the C2 Server\n\nCONFIDENCE: High\n\nIMPACT:LowThis IP address is not used for legitimate hosting so there should be no operational impact.\n\nCOST:Low\n\nEFFICACY:High",
        "id": "course-of-action--495c9b28-b5d8-11e3-b7bb-000c29789db9",
        "labels": [
        "modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:41.298Z",
        "name": "Block traffic to PIVY C2 Server (",
        "type": "course-of-action"

STIX 1.x in XML

<stix:Course_Of_Action id="example:course-of-action-495c9b28-b5d8-11e3-b7bb-000c29789db9" timestamp="2017-01-27T13:49:41.298000+00:00" xsi:type='coa:CourseOfActionType'>
            <coa:Title>Block traffic to PIVY C2 Server (</coa:Title>
            <coa:Type xsi:type="stixVocabs:CourseOfActionTypeVocab-1.0">Perimeter Blocking</coa:Type>
                OBJECTIVE: Block communication between the PIVY agents and the C2 Server
                CONFIDENCE: High
                IMPACT:LowThis IP address is not used for legitimate hosting so there should be no operational impact.

Notice that although there is information in the STIX 2.0 description property (from a previous use of the elevator) that could be used to populate STIX 1.x properties, the description property is transferred directly, with no additional processing.


STIX 2.0 Properties Mapped Directly to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
valid_from, valid_until Valid_Time_Position
created_by_ref Producer

STIX 2.0 Properties Translated to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
kill_chain_phases Kill_Chain_Phases
pattern IndicatorExpression
labels Type

STIX 2.0 Relationships Mapped Using STIX 1.x Relationships

STIX 2.0 relationship type STIX 1.x property
detects Indicated_TTP
indicates (campaign) Related_Campaigns
indicates (attack-pattern, malware, tool) Indicated_TTPs
related-to (indicator) Related_Indicators

STIX 2.0 Properties Recorded in the STIX 1.x Description Property


STIX 2.0 Properties Not Mapped


An Example

STIX 2.0 in JSON

        "created": "2014-05-08T09:00:00.000Z",
        "id": "indicator--53fe3b22-0201-47cf-85d0-97c02164528d",
        "labels": [
        "modified": "2014-05-08T09:00:00.000Z",
        "name": "IP Address for known C2 channel",
        "pattern": "[ipv4-addr:value = '']",
        "type": "indicator",
        "valid_from": "2014-05-08T09:00:00.000000Z"

        "created": "2014-05-08T09:00:00.000Z",
        "id": "relationship--9606dac3-965a-47d3-b270-8b17431ba0e4",
        "modified": "2014-05-08T09:00:00.000Z",
        "relationship_type": "indicates",
        "source_ref": "indicator--53fe3b22-0201-47cf-85d0-97c02164528d",
        "target_ref": "malware--73fe3b22-0201-47cf-85d0-97c02164528d",
        "type": "relationship"

STIX 1.x in XML

<stix:Indicator id="example:indicator-53fe3b22-0201-47cf-85d0-97c02164528d" timestamp="2014-05-08T09:00:00+00:00" xsi:type='indicator:IndicatorType'>
        <indicator:Title>IP Address for known C2 channel</indicator:Title>
        <indicator:Type xsi:type="stixVocabs:IndicatorTypeVocab-1.1">IP Watchlist</indicator:Type>
            <indicator:Start_Time precision="second">2014-05-08T09:00:00+00:00</indicator:Start_Time>
        <indicator:Observable id="example:Observable-9f9e8592-1a3a-42f0-8e16-56c062671a5c">
            <cybox:Object id="example:Address-3923ec77-e675-4db7-b2bb-8c42717b2b3a">
                <cybox:Properties xsi:type="AddressObj:AddressObjectType" category="ipv4-addr">
                    <AddressObj:Address_Value condition="Equals"></AddressObj:Address_Value>
            <stixCommon:TTP idref="example:ttp-73fe3b22-0201-47cf-85d0-97c02164528d" xsi:type='ttp:TTPType'/>


The Malware object in STIX 2.0 is a stub.

STIX 2.0 Properties Mapped Directly to STIX 1.x Properties


STIX 2.0 Properties Translated to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
kill_chain_phases ttp:Kill_Chain_Phases
labels Type

STIX 2.0 Relationships Mapped Using STIX 1.x Relationships

STIX 2.0 relationship type STIX 1.x property
variant-of ttp:Related_TTPs
uses ttp:Related_TTPs
targets (vulnerability only) ttp:Exploit_Targets
targets (identity only) ttp:Victim_Targeting

STIX 2.0 Properties Recorded in the STIX 1.x Description Property


STIX 2.0 Properties Not Mapped


An Example

STIX 2.0 in JSON

        "created": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.997Z",
        "description": "Poison Ivy Trojan",
        "id": "malware--fdd60b30-b67c-11e3-b0b9-f01faf20d111",
        "labels": [
        "modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:53.997Z",
        "name": "Poison Ivy",
        "type": "malware"

STIX 1.x in XML

    <stix:TTP id="example:ttp-fdd60b30-b67c-11e3-b0b9-f01faf20d111" timestamp="2017-01-27T13:49:53.997000+00:00" xsi:type='ttp:TTPType'>
                    <ttp:Type xsi:type="stixVocabs:MalwareTypeVocab-1.0">Remote Access Trojan</ttp:Type>
                    <ttp:Name>Poison Ivy</ttp:Name>
                    <ttp:Description>Poison Ivy Trojan</ttp:Description>


The Report object in 2.0 does not contain objects, but only object references to STIX objects that are specified elsewhere (the location of the actual objects may not be contained in the same bundle that contains the report object). 1.x objects with only the idref property are created for each object reference in the STIX 2.0 report.

STIX 2.0 Properties Mapped Directly to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
name Header.Title
description Header.Description

STIX 2.0 Properties Translated to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
object_refs (observed-data) Observables
object_refs (indicator) Indicators
object_refs (attack-pattern, malware, tool) TTPs
object_refs (vulnerability) Exploit_Targets
object_refs (course-of-action) Courses_Of_Action
object_refs (campaign) Campaigns
object_refs (threat-actor) Threat_Actors
object_refs (identity, intrusion-set, relationship) not converted
labels Header.Intent

​**STIX 2.0 Properties Mapped Using STIX 1.x Relationships**


STIX 2.0 Properties Recorded in the STIX 1.x Description Property

  • published

STIX 2.0 Properties Not Mapped


An Example

STIX 2.0 in JSON

        "created": "2015-05-07T14:22:14.760Z",
        "created_by_ref": "identity--c1b58a86-e037-4069-814d-dd0bc75539e3",
        "description": "Adversary Alpha has a campaign against the ICS sector!",
        "id": "report--ab11f431-4b3b-457c-835f-59920625fe65",
        "labels": [
        "modified": "2015-05-07T14:22:14.760Z",
        "name": "Report on Adversary Alpha's Campaign against the Industrial Control Sector",
        "object_refs": [
        "published": "2015-05-31T00:00:00.000Z",
        "type": "report"

STIX 1.x in XML

<stix:Report timestamp="2015-05-07T14:22:14.760000+00:00" id="example:report-ab11f431-4b3b-457c-835f-59920625fe65" xsi:type='report:ReportType' version="1.0">
            <report:Title>Report on Adversary Alpha's Campaign against the Industrial Control Sector</report:Title>
            <report:Intent xsi:type="stixVocabs:ReportIntentVocab-1.0">Campaign Characterization</report:Intent>
            <report:Description ordinality="1">Adversary Alpha has a campaign against the ICS sector!
            <report:Description ordinality="2">published: 2015-05-31 00:00:00+00:00</report:Description>
            <report:Campaign idref="example:campaign-1855cb8a-d96c-4859-a450-abb1e7c061f2" xsi:type='campaign:CampaignType'/>
            <report:Indicator idref="example:indicator-66647c79-5766-4ca7-ab8a-a579056e3c83" xsi:type='indicator:IndicatorType'/>

Threat Actor

STIX 2.0 Properties Mapped Directly to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
goals Intended_Effects

STIX 2.0 Properties Translated to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
primary_motivation secondary_motivations personal_motivations Motivation
sophistication Sophistication
labels Type

​**STIX 2.0 Relationships Mapped Using STIX 1.x Relationships**

STIX 2.0 relationship type STIX 1.x property
uses Observed_TTPs
attributed-to (reverse) Associated_Campaigns
related-to (threat-actor) Associated_Actors

STIX 2.0 Properties Recorded in the STIX 1.x Description Property

  • name
  • aliases
  • roles
  • resource_level

STIX 2.0 Properties Not Mapped


An Example

STIX 2.0 in JSON

        "created": "2017-01-27T13:49:54.326Z",
        "id": "threat-actor--9a8a0d25-7636-429b-a99e-b2a73cd0f11f",
        "labels": [
        "modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:54.326Z",
        "name": "Adversary Bravo",
        "sophistication": "advanced",
        "type": "threat-actor"

STIX 1.x in XML

<stix:Threat_Actor id="example:threat-actor-9a8a0d25-7636-429b-a99e-b2a73cd0f11f"
        <ta:Title>Adversary Bravo</ta:Title>
        <ta:Type timestamp="2018-05-06T16:57:09.692723+00:00">
            <stixCommon:Value>State Actor / Agency</stixCommon:Value>
        <ta:Sophistication timestamp="2018-05-06T16:57:09.692815+00:00">


STIX 2.0 Properties Mapped Directly to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
name Name (from CybOX)
labels Type (from CybOX)
description Description (from CybOX)
tool_version Version (from CybOX)

​**STIX 2.0 Properties Translated to STIX 2.0 Properties**

STIX 1.x property STIX 1.x property
external_references References (from CybOX)
kill_chain_phases ttp:Kill_Chain_Phases

​**STIX 2.0 Relationships Mapped Using STIX 1.x Relationships**

STIX 2.0 relationship type STIX 1.x property
uses (attack-pattern) (reverse) ttp:Related_TTPs
targets (identity) ttp:Related_TTPs

STIX 2.0 Properties Recorded in the STIX 1.x Description Property

  • ttp:Intended_Effect

STIX 1.x Properties Not Mapped

  • labels

An Example

STIX 2.0 in JSON

  "type": "tool",
  "id": "tool--ce45f721-af14-4fc0-938c-000c16186418",
  "created": "2015-05-15T09:00:00.000Z",
  "modified": "2015-05-15T09:00:00.000Z",
  "name": "cachedump",
  "labels": [
  "description": "This program extracts cached password hashes from a system’s registry.",
  "kill_chain_phases": [
      "kill_chain_name": "mandiant-attack-lifecycle-model",
      "phase_name": "escalate-privileges"

STIX 1.x in XML

<stix:TTP id="example:tool-ce45f721-af14-4fc0-938c-000c16186418" timestamp="2015-05-15T09:00:00+00:00" xsi:type='ttp:TTPType'>
                    <cyboxCommon:Description>This program extracts cached password hashes from a system’s registry.</cyboxCommon:Description>
            <stixCommon:Kill_Chain_Phase name="escalate-privileges"


STIX 2.0 Properties Mapped Directly to STIX 1.x Properties


STIX 2.0 Properties Translated to STIX 1.x Properties

STIX 2.0 property STIX 1.x property
external_references (source_name: cve) CVE_ID
external_references (source_name: OSVDB_ID) Reference

​STIX 2.0 Relationships Mapped Using STIX 1.x Relationships

STIX 2.0 relationship type STIX 1.x property
mitigates (reverse) et:Potential_COAs
related-to (when not used for versioning) et:Related_Exploit_Targets

STIX 2.0 Properties Recorded in the STIX 1.x Description Property

  • labels

STIX 2.0 Properties Not Mapped


An Example

STIX 2.0 in JSON

   "created": "2014-06-20T15:16:56.986Z",
   "external_references": [
           "external_id": "CVE-2013-3893",
           "source_name": "cve"
   "id": "vulnerability--e77c1e36-5b43-4c5c-b8cb-7b36035f2b90",
   "modified": "2017-01-27T13:49:54.310Z",
   "name": "Heartbleed",
   "type": "vulnerability"

STIX 1.x in XML

   <stixCommon:Exploit_Target id="example:et-e77c1e36-5b43-4c5c-b8cb-7b36035f2b90"
                              xsi:type='et:ExploitTargetType' version="1.2">